I'm going to tell you why you should have kids
I'm going to tell you why you should have kids. Look, if you don't want them, or you can't have them, go ahead and stop reading now. I have no intention to shame. Forced parenthood is a crime. This post is for people on the fence.
People prioritizing comfort, or career. I've done a lot of things, lived a pretty full life already at 42. I won a state championship in team sports. I built things people told me were impossible. I've traveled more countries than many have cities. I've helped grow new businesses to hundreds, and thousands of employees. I had kids reasonably young, and that cost me many potential productive hours in the office. I wouldn't trade my kids for a billion dollar company. Not a chance. Nobody thinks too much of that on their deathbed. Tomorrow, I'm driving my three girls to my brother's house. It's half way between mine, and my sister's. We are going to get our kids, "the cousins" together. We will clean up trash on the beach, and then the dads are going to give surfing lessons.
We will win no championships, we will see no great historic places. We will do something far more important. We are shaping the next generation. We are doing the very thing that we have evolved to do. You see, there were no billion dollar companies for most of human history. There were families, and tribes. There was love, and hunting, and gathering. We are wired over hundreds of generations to feel rewards from building close relationships. Providing value to our tribe, and teaching our spawn how to do the same. So don't let social media tell you what you want. The big house, the pool, the fancy car. Shallow desires.
You'll be tired of them, in mere weeks or months. But you know what you won't get sick of ever? Watching your kids grow. The look of admiration in their eyes. The look of realization when something clicks. Watching them play with their cousins. When my sister in law returned my text this morning, and said they were free to get together, that was the best feeling. I know my kids will bond with their tribe. It's about bonds, and forging a future for your family. This is what you will treasure the most. More and more, the older and wiser you get. Just ask your parents, or grandparents. There is no closer bond, than a parent and child. You can travel when your kids grow up. You can rest when you're dead. Your window to have babies is limited, and it's the opportunity you're most likely to regret missing. Who doesn't want to be a grandparent? They got the best job around.